Tuesday 27 March 2012

Stay Cool During Summer

Summer is in a full swing. Which means its time for us to change our kids' diet plan to beat the summer heat and stay cool. Its extremely vital for us to keep a watch on kids health during summer. Along with summer the vacations are also on. Hence children tend to get out in hot sun to play or for their extra curricular activities like dance classes, summer camps, sports, coaching, picnics, trips, etc. Below tips can be of some help to protect the children from the side effects of summer.

1. Keeping the kids hydrated is the most important step to be taken. Make sure the child carries a bottle of plain water every where he or she goes.
2. While playing in the sun, serve them with  good amount of fluids like fresh fruit juice, nimbu pani, butter milk, tender coconut water, etc at regular intervals.
3. Cover their skin with good amount of sunscreen lotion before stepping out in the sun. This will protect the skin from extreme exposure to direct sun and avoids sun burns.
4. Serve them good amount of fresh fruits and vegetables as between the meal snacks. This will help in keeping their body hydrated and cool. Fruits like apples, watermelon, melon, grapes, etc and veggies like cucumber, radish, etc can be served as they contain lot of fluids in them.
5. Avoid heavy, oily, spicy, junk food and aerated drinks as they are not easily digested and can make the kids irritable.
6. See to it that you child wears light coloured, light weighed,loose fitting, cotton clothes during this season. This will help to keep their bodies cool and comfortable.
7. Give them a nice warm water bath soon after they come back from their outdoor activities. A few drops of dettol can be added to the water as this will wash away the germs and sweat and gives a fresh feeling.

Hope these tips will be useful. And for all the kids there, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!

-Deepa Burli

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