Saturday 3 March 2012

Skin care regimen for teens

Skin care regimen should be started from teen age. This helps in a long run to prevent formation of wrinkles and helps to retain the glow of skin as age advances. Here are few tips for teen skin care
• Use sun screen lotion when you go outdoors. Protecting skin from UV radiations helps to prevent skin cancer and formation of wrinkles. UV radiations cause early aging of skin. Sunscreen lotion protects your skin from all these.
• Do not use soap to wash your facial skin. Use mild face wash which is suitable for your skin type. Besan flour (yellow gram flour) or Green gram flour can be used to clean your facial skin.
• Remove your make up before going to bed.
• Apply moisturizer daily to face and also to your body skin.
• Do not forget to apply face pack once in a week (Don’t go for facials). A mixture of cucumber juice and besan flour make an excellent face mask for teen skin.
• Eat well balanced nutritious food
• Add green vegetables and fruits to your diet.
• Say no to junk food.
• Drink plenty of fresh clean water. This helps in moisturizing your skin from inside.
• Practice yoga and meditation daily. These reduce stress and increase glow of skin, memory power and helps you to achieve your goal. Do not forget beauty and brains are wonderful combo.

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