It is vital that your child
gets leisure time every day. Just relaxing, reading or even TV can be a
good break, provided, it is controlled. Psychologists suggest, not more
that one and half hours of TV viewing is good for kids. Today TV, the
idiot box, as it is called, has encroached the children's world. More
number of TV channels are unfriendly for them. Children watch TV for
more than fours a day. It retards the mental development of minors, say
psychologists. Satellite channels have made children prisoners in their
homes. They start viewing TV in the evening after coming form school
hours and continue till late night. They do not play games outside. They
play video games sitting in one place. An average minor in India spends
more than 25hours a week watching TV. They do not stick to better ways
of using their eyes. They do not blink often. Ultimately they face
problems with their eyesight. TV crazy children have poor memory as
compared to those who watch TV for a short period of time. Because of TV
watching for long hours, children do not concentrate on their studies.
They lose interest in out door activities. The child grows unimaginative
and dull. Also TV watching weakens a child's ability to concentrate.
They get tired. Their minds do not work efficiently. Violence is so much
in our movies, They try to imitate the thing they watch on TV.
TV programs are for entertainment. Parents should see that they do not take them for real. Sometimes children try imitating mannerisms of screen personalities. They sing movie songs instead of poems from the books. All these snub their activities of physical and mental development.
Parents should control the children. They should tell the children how TV viewing affects their studies and also harmful to eyes. An all round balanced development of children's personality is essential. Let your children read books. Books are far more superior to TV. Especially fantasy stories are pictured lucidly in the child's mind. Fairy tales run into child's imagination. The child gets a fair degree of cerebral exercise. The children become creative minded. Apart from reading books, games are equally vital for children.
Playgrounds are like laboratories that enable children to relate themselves to the outside world. At times, while they play, children quarrel. But again they become friends. They understand each other.
Tips to the parents:
1. Reduce the TV viewing hours.
2. Put off the TV while children are studying their school subjects
3. Lock the channels that you don't want your children to watch.
What parents don't realize is that TV plays a big role in a child's life, too much negativity and violence on TV has the most daunting effects on them. The advertisements shown on TV tempts them. According to a study children who watch violent TV shows run the risk of learning to behave violently. The TV can be a way of showing children new things but only to certain extent. It is unfortunate that parents spend more time with their children watching TV.
This article is copy righted. The author Mrs.Deepa Manoj is web master of Kids world-for kids and teens. Read complete article at Kids and TV
TV programs are for entertainment. Parents should see that they do not take them for real. Sometimes children try imitating mannerisms of screen personalities. They sing movie songs instead of poems from the books. All these snub their activities of physical and mental development.
Parents should control the children. They should tell the children how TV viewing affects their studies and also harmful to eyes. An all round balanced development of children's personality is essential. Let your children read books. Books are far more superior to TV. Especially fantasy stories are pictured lucidly in the child's mind. Fairy tales run into child's imagination. The child gets a fair degree of cerebral exercise. The children become creative minded. Apart from reading books, games are equally vital for children.
Playgrounds are like laboratories that enable children to relate themselves to the outside world. At times, while they play, children quarrel. But again they become friends. They understand each other.
Tips to the parents:
1. Reduce the TV viewing hours.
2. Put off the TV while children are studying their school subjects
3. Lock the channels that you don't want your children to watch.
What parents don't realize is that TV plays a big role in a child's life, too much negativity and violence on TV has the most daunting effects on them. The advertisements shown on TV tempts them. According to a study children who watch violent TV shows run the risk of learning to behave violently. The TV can be a way of showing children new things but only to certain extent. It is unfortunate that parents spend more time with their children watching TV.
This article is copy righted. The author Mrs.Deepa Manoj is web master of Kids world-for kids and teens. Read complete article at Kids and TV
I think parents need to encourage their children to do more physical activities. Buy your child a jump rope and let them have fun. Putting your child in front of a television isn't healthy.